
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 8 months ago

For reference, I was in a car accident that broke both of my wrists and I had to go to the ER. I was fine other than my wrists.

The ER use for about.. 3 hours? Was over $10,000. Because my health insurance refused coverage since it was in an auto accident.

Luckily my bodily injury coverage on my insurance paid.

Then I needed surgery and physical therapy. All of which were not covered by my health insurance.

The surgery was about $32,000. (Included the metal plates and screws/pins as well as the surgical room and recovery + surgeon and anesthesia).

All said and done total cost for having my wrists broken was about $70,000. None of which was covered by my health insurance and thank god my parents (I was still on their car insurance) paid for underinsured motorist coverage because the drunk that caused the accident didn't have insurance. I didn't go into debt ONLY because of that coverage.

They charged me $40 for 2 Tylenol they gave me in the ER while I waited for them to come set my wrists and give me the big girl pain killers. $18 for a pregnancy test too prior to surgery that I couldn't refuse. Unreal.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

And also, sometimes the offending dog has their picture taken and we can all look and see that these are pit bulls.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I tried a vr headset at a convention where they had it just giving you a virtual tour of a farm to show off what the headset could do.

I had to take it off in less than 30 seconds because it was giving me a migraine and making me feel sick.