
joined 10 months ago

First, this isn't an attempt at an unfair shit on Netgate post. I've been a pfSense user (and member of their sub) for many, many years. I've endured (along with everyone else) their...unique PR strategy. I always told myself the software is good regardless of the company and their penchant for public trouble. I even defended them a couple of years ago when they announced pfSense+.

But, last week's abrupt announcement about the end of pfSense+'s Home+Lab edition and a requirement to pay $399/yr to continue using + was the final dramatic incident for me. I'm not decided on what I'm doing, but I don't think it's pfSense+.

Today, they announced a price reduction to $129/yr. But 35 cents a day to stay on + still seems like a lot to me. Considering the free alternatives (CE & OPNsense), not because it's unattainable pricing.

I'm curious how the greater pfSense community feels, but I don't feel confident this post won't just get taken down in r/pfSense.

For the unfamiliar, here's the context:

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