
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I got COVID after taking all precautions because my father didn't wear a mask and took it home. I was sick for a month. I only left my bed to use the bathroom or eat. I literally slept the rest of the time. I probably should have gone to the hospital because I could hardly stay awake even just to eat. I remember waking up one day, and just knowing that I was recovering.

Recovery was hell. I couldn't taste, or smell anything. I had awful flu like symptoms. I was lethargic and I could hardly walk. It took two weeks to feel functional, and for three months my sense of taste was completely fucked.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I liked watching these as a kid. They played in the early morning before school. Sometimes the bubbles were just jokes or humorous observations. Othertimes, they were interesting bits of trivia in an age where the internet was still in its early days.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I learned from my own past that those who've suffered from hurt learn the best ways to cause the most of it. It is a skill that is taught to the unwilling.

The truth is that you will have to forgive them, and if you blame yourself, you must forgive yourself too. Forgiveness isn't anything but a tool to move on. You wrote the redflags to look out for in your post. You'll have to bail when you see them the next time you go to trust again. You're going to have to face the fears created by your trauma head on. You're going to have to be brave. It will not be easy. It will be hard as shit. But you cannot let this person control you anymore. Do not give this person the power to keep you from enjoying life. You will stumble and struggle putting yourself back out there. You will think recovery is impossible.

I had a long road recovering from my trauma, and I believe in your own power to heal from this. Just please do your best to not allow your own traumas to continue the cycle of pain.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I haven't been able to play it yet, but I did see some reviews, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.

If you're familiar with Bethesda games then starfield will feel familiar in some ways. The gunplay is close to fallout 4's, where some enemies health scales with difficulty. There are a lot of guns you can hoard. However there have been major improvements which seem to address shortcomings of other Bethesda games.

In the cities, they've managed to cram more NPCs in to give life to hub areas. The lockpicking minigames and hacking have been replaced with digipicking, which is an actual puzzle and requires some thinking to solve. You can fast travel from anywhere, you no longer have to be outside. Render distance is impressive in some areas. There's a new persuasion system. NPCs have (somewhat stiff) facial animations. You can highlight loot with a scanner, and the same scanner can act as a guide to the objective.

The real strength of the game is just how much effort has been put into it. You really can find how parts of this game look like a real labor of love. Some voice actors are big names. There's a lot of content to constantly side track you. There are 4 factions that I know of, and each has their perks once you work with them enough. Finally, there is a ton of customization. Weapons, suits, your ship, and late game outposts you can make. The game is very pretty.

Are there bugs? Yes. They aren't as bad as previous titles however. I haven't heard of the game crashing. Performance seems to be pretty alright as well.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Great comment! I think you covered the negatives very well.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

In the telegram app, webp is counted as a 'sticker', which will cause it to be rendered at a fixed scale, and you will be unable to zoom in on it. Stickers in telegram are used as reaction images that can be put into their own folders.

So if I share a webp image in telegram, you pretty much wont be able to read or see what's going on due to the fixed scale.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It was really good for artists and entertainers (streamers included) to gain a following

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Technology is moving so fast not even the common person can be aware of the threat. Plus, we have the response to it is to not believe because its uncomfortable. By the time people understand they will deem it too late to do anything about it.