It was called spanning and was usually done with a third party utility like xcopy or pkzip, but I am pretty sure MS backup did it as well. I don't think you could do it with DOS copy command through v6.22.
Nothing stopping everyone else from having a posh wank now and again.
A kitchen sink. Did an impromptu kitchen reno due to a gas leak and being without one is such a huge downgrade in quality of life. I was washing dishes in the bathtub nightly and it was absolutely miserable. I don't think I've ever been more appreciative of the technology of modern plumbing than the day I was able to rerun lines to the sink area and get it all going.
Oh my DM really leaned into that one. Had us searching for a golden brassiere as part of a ritual we needed to perform. We ended up picking up a rumour that the captain of the guard wears one, so on to the seduction attempt to go find out what she's into and where she hangs out. Play through the whole bit, get the brassiere and then ask what we do next. Well, now we need to burn incense in the brassiere. Now everyone just looks at eachother completely confused. Then the guy sitting next to the DM suddenly perks up and asks to see the module we're running for a sec. Tells the table it says brazier. Confusion dispelled and everyone laughing for days.
I don't see Out of Space on here. It's pretty fun and challenging.
Goat Simulator is silly fun, especially with kids.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is awesome since it lets you play up to 4 player co-op.
Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse is a good co-op twin stick shooter.
Windows on Linux though. Guy probably has Wine in his cup holder.
They missed the easiest, cheapest and most effective solution: working from home. We wouldn't need half of what we've built already if we put an end to the commute for office workers. We might even make our Paris Accord targets that way too.
You can't say Macross any more than you can say Star Trek. Way too many series, and people even conflate Robotech and SDF Macross, which both had great intro themes.
Yeah, I'd love that. I think a good number of subs I end up downloading are written by some dude trying their best, and if they don't know the language, they can't really begin to guess how to spell the words. But anything released by a studio or on a streaming site has no excuse.
I'm so deaf I could sit in a room full of large, sweaty men slurping chicken off drumsticks while making open-mouthed, gruntled dad noises with every gasping breath, and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Well, other than such a room existing, that is.
Where you finding 4090s for a grand? Twice that and then some here.
The future is square hogs.