Like every tool, it has its uses...but they are not those being advertised. LLMs are great for things where mistakes don't detract from the result (or even add to it) like brainstorming, art, music, disinformation...all that good stuff.
I mean, if it is forgotten, then it just takes hard drive space (plus extra if the drive is fragmented) you mean the fraction of energy used by the hard drive just by being on? Does it add up to anything comparable to actually spending processing cycles?
We used to have libraries to store media history and shitposting controversies like the Dreyfus affair...
It's cheap to them and bankrupts their victims or forces them to settle. There should be a way to punish frivolous lawsuits by %income/assets.
how was w95 enshittified relative to w3?
But what if I pick the server with all the furries? 🧐
haha, nice adblocker idea, pipe all ads through pi-hole to gpt5 and submit the response at a randomized time hehe
Write a short essay about the ads we made you watch this week, or we turn off the organs subscription.
Some kids once told me that if you're not on shitbook you don't exist...maybe they're cops now.
We were lucky the KGB didn't have access to social media tech
Doing the ~~Lord~~journalist's work.