
joined 1 year ago
[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 19 points 2 days ago

Back in the 70's and 80's there were "Travesty Generators". You pushed some text into them and they developed linguistic rules based on probabilities determined by the text. Then you could have them generate brand new text randomly created by applying the linguistic rules developed from the source text.

Surprisingly, they would generate "brand new" words that weren't in the original text, but were real words. And the output matched stylistically to the input text. So you put in Shakespeare and you got out something that sounded like Shakespeare. You get the idea.

I built one and tried running some TS Eliot through it, because stuff is, IMHO, close to gibberish to begin with. The results were disappointing. Basically because it couldn't get any more gibberishy that the source.

I strongly suspect that the same would happen with Trump's gibberish. There used to be a bunch of Travesty Generators online, and you could probably try one out to see.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 2 points 4 days ago

Actually...yes. At least for the "war criminal". I think the point is that you can't hide your inner feelings from the feather. So if you genuinely, in the deepest depths of your heart, have no qualms about bombing civilians then you're fine.

I think this points out the fundamental relativistic nature of morality and how the feather copes with it. Everyone has some sort of moral compass, and the feather measures how true you were to it. And really, what more can you ask of anyone? Decide, for yourself, what is right and what is wrong and stick to it.

Putting aside the fact that a toddler probably lacks the intellectual or emotional development to have a truely personal morality, I cannot imagine that someone who "broods" all their life over kicking a kitten when they were three is anything other than the nicest most moral person you'll ever meet. I don't think that have any trouble with Anubis and Thoth.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Also, the final note on the bass is a mistake, but they left it in.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Anubis and Thoth weighing the heart of the dead to see if it is as light as a feather before letting them into the afterlife.

I love the idea that there's no "do this, do that", or a concrete set of rules or commandments. But the idea that if you can look back on your life, and if your heart isn't weighed down with the burden of all of the things that you did that know we're just wrong...then you can go on to the afterlife.

It's just no much more of a reasonable, adult approach to morality.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 week ago

The travel eSIMs are a bit different. My Orange plan covers Turkey and the UK, which I specifically wanted, and probably Switzerland as well. For my wife, I needed to get a "world" plan that covered Turkey, otherwise the Europe plan would have covered the UK.

But that's an important point. The travel plans are NOT the same as regular plans in some ways.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 week ago

I would have a couple years ago. In a flash. We replaced our phones a while back specifically to have eSIMs. It truth, considering the cost of Canadian roaming plans the phones have already paid for themselves.

Both of our old phones were single SIM, so using a local SIM would mean disconnecting our Canadian numbers which would put us out of touch with people back home. Which means that this card wouldn't have work for us either.

I was at the point of looking at buying a portable WiFi hot-spot, when I found out about eSIMs. So we went that route.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I have an Orange eSIM with a France number that I have kept alive by reactivating it at least once every 6 months. It's good for all Europe, without roaming charges, so that's easy to do. Having the same number all the time is convenient, but more importantly I have gone through the hassle of providing passport info to Orange, which is a government requirement if you want a number for more than a couple of weeks. I think that's an EU thing.

The local number is good for calling hotels and for making restaurant reservations. Just having that is a game changer.

For my wife's we don't need a number, so I just use Nomad for her data only eSIM, and get a new one each time. The cost is about $12-15, and you get whatever carrier you get, but the service has been good so far no I keep using Nomad.

We can text each other using WhatsApp, and you can even use WhatsApp for voice calls. The sound quality is acceptable.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 week ago (7 children)

We bought phones that support eSIM because we do a lot of travelling. Canadian mobile companies charge usurious rates for roaming: $15/day! Times two phones. I can get 2 weeks of data only for Europe for about $11 total on an eSIM. With voice it goes up to about $25. Total.

It has changed our lives when we travel.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I wanted one of these back in 1981 when I was 17. They were $1,200 at the time. Might as well have been $12,000,000 as far as 17 year old me was concerned. I finally was able to pick this one up about 10 years ago.

BTW: it has Bill Lawrence pickups.


[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 20 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Historically, the name came from Dave Nichol, who was president of the company for decades. He actually had a very strong hand in the selection of products that were included in the product line.

Apparently all kinds of people would pitch product ideas at him, and would taste test them and pick only ones he liked. The idea of "President's Choice" wasn't to be cheapo no name products, but unique and distinctive stuff personally picked by the company's president.

And Dave wasn't just some guy in the corner office. In his prime he was a Canadian personality, and you saw him in TV commercials. Once he left Loblaws in the '90s the President's Choice stuff lost its panache and meaning.

[–] HamsterRage@lemmy.ca 30 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm not sure if traffic is "convenience" at this point. At least where I live, it's a nearly essential piece of functionality.

In fact, for local driving it's often the only reason to use a map app. I already know how to get to most of the places I want to go, I just need to know the best route to avoid traffic now.

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