
joined 10 months ago

I am working on starting a pressure wash business in Florida. My plan is to start out small as a side hustle, and eventually work my way to full time. I plan on starting with a 4gpm washer and a surface cleaner, staying away from chemicals until I get more experience. I am going to start by advertising door to door with flyers and word of mouth, since I have some older family members in town that can spread the word around their neighborhoods.

What I am debating currently is whether or not I should get an LLC and insurance before starting the work. Or would it be better to first get some small cash paying jobs, see if I can build up some sort of clientele/schedule and then get official? Any advice is appreciated.


I am considering starting my own business, but I’m having trouble deciding what direction I should take. My interests are mainly fishing/outdoors and cooking/food but I have several years experience in sales and property management. I have considered nature/wildlife photography but it seems extremely hard to make decent money and will probably remain a hobby for now. While I would ideally like to have a business related to my interests, I am open to the idea of anything that makes money and allows me to work for myself.

I appreciate any advice on this.