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A museum in southern French city Marseille is inviting visitors to discover Europe's relationship to the naturist lifestyle by wandering its halls in the nude.


Experiments generate quantum entanglement over optical fibres across three real cities, marking progress towards networks that could have revolutionary applications.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Rest assured, the seas are calm.

added: And I loved the movie. Agree with your take about the kaiju, it was with reference to the the original 50s movie I believe. Also considering the budget, iirc only uss 13 M, they did a great job. I Liked the solid script and the background story of WWII ( I made a post in Lemmy somewhere too about it).

[–] 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I just saw Godzilla minus one, link metacritic and I was left with awe about the script and the music. It's situated in post WW2 Japan, and since we have national Memorial Day for the fallen this week in my country, it felt appropriate.

The monster in itself is not a high end design, but the movie feels like a colorized old authentic movie. It has a special atmosphere . I appreciated the metaphor for godzilla as a mix of ancient folklore and the spirit of defeat and reconstruction after WW II. I highly recommend this movie if you're into this (specific) genre.

On a personal note, watching the movie is also transcending our (family) history, as many people were taken prisoners by the Japanese. But the enemy, (were and) became victims too. So , Memorial is about your own losses, but maybe also about how your then- enemy, can become a " now"- friend.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

looks pretty canon.

Yes appears so when I read the description.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I hope they have some new story telling.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

should be a push to public transport.

Don't know where you are from, but most of Europe has had good public transport. Though it can always be better, so Europe is pushing further with for example the TEN project, and check some vids on YT.

Also, imo, there is no " one" right answer. No holy grail nor whatever. Most choices are incrementel.Usuallly It's a shift of awareness, technology ( in a form) and culture, which hopefully leads to a better tomorrow. The difference is that the majority of the problems we face have no precedent. 8 bn humans worldwide is a first since for ever.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

That doesn't seem very much at all.

This article is also 3 three years old; Germany allocated € 5 bn and UK 3 bn for EVs.

If I see this correct, it was a 44-56 % split three years ago.

I couldn't find any proper comprehensive and comparable studies for subsidies and investments in ICE and EV.

Also there is a difference between subsidies like incentives, tax cuts, and investments


The EU has announced €4bn (£3.4bn) of state aid investments in new factories producing electric batteries for cars, heat pumps and solar panels as it seeks to accelerate production and the uptake of green technologies and combat cheap Chinese imports.

The Swedish battery producer Northvolt will receive €902m in state aid to build a new factory in Heide in Germany, while a wide range of clean tech factories in France are to get a €2.5bn bump in state aid.

[–] 11 points 8 months ago

Thx! And, to clarify the situation I copied this comment from @Sarah link.

It's not a "plug type door". It's a plugged door. They're different things. This isn't a door at all. It doesn't open.

Indeed it's NOT part of the fuselage (plane frame), it was built as an empty socket for the placement of an eventual (extra) emergency door, depanding the seat configuration. In this plane they did a faulty install of a " plug-in "instead.

[–] 8 points 8 months ago (2 children)

exit door plug, which are installed as "blanking plates".

Do you have some more info? I can't find any new detailed info and I'm no airplane mechanic.Afaik, blanking plates are usually cosmetic, and the problem occured due to cabin pressure loss. Also, the plane was supposedly certified, recently.


And here we go again, another bOING 737 Max.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

over the past 60 years the West

I reckon the writer is saying this about the West because that's the only data he had access to. And, that this techno-pessimism should be a worldwide phenomena.

On the other hand, I wonder whether other cultures, apart from the West, have adopted a similar risk averse mindset. I mean, "the Haves" (and not the Have- Nots) are the only ones prone to be afraid to loose their accumulated wealth & lifestyle. But probably other affluent groups in the Non- Western world, might have adopted similar tendencies.

Or, they might have not. And this risk averse mindset, is exclusively a Western post-industrial cultural element. It would be very interesting to find out what the cultural & regional differences actually are world-wide.