
joined 11 months ago
[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 4 points 6 months ago


[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 3 points 7 months ago

Yup, don't know how I missed that. Thanks.

[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 7 points 7 months ago

No argument here. And liability insurance with competency evaluation with license renewal.

[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 52 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Taxpayers get left with the bill, while police go on paid leave or get fired only to be rehired in a neighboring department.

Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) should be trained and licensed in a federally accredited program. Then individually insured. The more they F-up, the higher the rates. The more it costs the insurance company to payout, the higher the rates. Much like drivers after accidents & moving violations. The more on your record, the more it's going to cost you. Until no insurance companies want to provide you coverage.

Insurance costs must be covered by the LEO, not the taxpayer. Insurance is used for any liability or criminal costs, not the taxpayer. LEOs risk higher premiums or loss of coverage for bad behavior or incompetence.

All investigations of LEOs should be done at the state level by a independent body / board. All disciplinary files & lawsuits are recorded to a federally maintained database and are under pervue of a federal overwatch. No more investigating 'your own' and finding them not at fault. Any department found circumventing this can lose their department's accreditation and federally investigated.

Other professions have to follow a similar process. It's not a new idea. Hell, every driver has to maintain a license and insurance to drive.

[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 10 points 7 months ago

Like Dolly Parton's “My Place in History,” locked away in a Dollywood time capsule to celebrate the 31st year of the park opening and her to be 100th birthday.

[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 6 points 8 months ago



I have been teaching myself Linux on really old hardware. I am looking into building a new system so I can learn SDXL and maybe mess around a little with LLMs.

I have been reading as much as I can, but get a lot conflicting info. Ideally I would like a build that I can get started with, without being at bare minimums if possible. Just best value at a realistic starting point. Willing to save up more if it will save me from waiting forever while my PC is maxed out. With options to expand easily as I go. Don't mind using used hardware. I have also read some about cheap enterprise hardware being an option that can expand easily?

Any help would be awesome. Thank you in advance.

P.S. Happy New Year! Wishing everyone all the best. After the past few years, we could all use a better one.

[–] IgnatiusJReilly@lemmy.wtf 1 points 8 months ago

What happens when the sh!t hits the turboprop?