
joined 1 year ago

hi, i was interested if perl is still relevant in this day and age. Perl has been on the decline for a very long time now. Perl 6 (now named 'raku) not being backwards compatible with perl 5 code made the already small perl community even smaller by splitting it in half. A good example is lisp with it's thousands of different dialects.

Is it still worth using or is it bound to legacy software forever? Like cobol.


Hi, i have been using smart lamps from aliexpress for awhile now. But these lamps force me to connect to an android app that phones-home to Beijing. Without the chinese yeelight app, i cannot change the color of the lamps. I find that kind of creepy.

Is there a good smart lamp system that is privacy respecting and hopefully opensource?

One that is locked to my local lan instead of a chinese trojan horse that spy's on me 24/7.

I'm an arch linux user and i know some basic python scripting.