Fear mongering. Actually listening to what RFK has to say versus what mass media wants you to think he's about, very quickly leads to agreeing with the guy on roughly 95 percent of topics.
joined 1 month ago
Drugs ads are illegal in Canada, this has not been an issue.
Of course it will be easy, comparatively. Yeah, there'll be a drop in ad revenue, but most countries don't allow this shit anyways.
no, it's literally embarrassing. But I'm from western canada, we worry about being attacked by bear not fucking chickens. People scared of fucking birds are determining federal gun laws, apparently. fucking pathetic.
ah yes, i clearly noticed.
Somebody doesn't understand. It's you, though.
I'm also from Fucktrudeauistan. Canadians older than 12 scared of geese are even more embarrassing than this question.
Oh, I wasn't aware that literally every western nation except New Zealand were into science denial.