Search for "Carrington Event" in 1859. Were such a coronal mass ejection event to re-occur in modern days; it would be beyond catastrophic. The problem is not so much a loss of Internet as a loss of electrical power that could last decades. It would definitely fry any exposed electronics, especially semi-conductors. It would destroy power station transformers which are not easy to manufacture and would take many years to replace a large number of them. Providing you had power to run manufacturing.
Search for "Carrington Event" in 1859. Were such a coronal mass ejection event to re-occur in modern days; it would be beyond catastrophic. The problem is not so much a loss of Internet as a loss of electrical power that could last decades. It would definitely fry any exposed electronics, especially semi-conductors. It would destroy power station transformers which are not easy to manufacture and would take many years to replace a large number of them. Providing you had power to run manufacturing.