It’s enough to just make new account every couple months
It’s a good practice anyway. Fresh start every month feels good. Privacy is much better this way on such transparent site as Lemmy. You reset any mutes/bans/fame you might have acquired. It’s win-win
+It’s not like Lemmy has some kind of insane profile customisation fluff or account bound rewards
Also remember to have a unique username for each site for best doxx protection. I use this Osint site sometimes for lulz and there are people who have same PayPal id (with real name shown) as their Lemmy account name lol. Lemmy may be tame but if you browse any deep chan sites opsec is of paramount and admins are hostile actors deep down there too that WILL post your data. Here I kinda trust admins just a little so that accidental true IP reveal seems like no big deal.
However one day you may sign up to the wrong instance or instance may change hands and someone may post your data to some chan like alt right pit. This is a danger of entrusting your account to small private operators that are complete strangers with unknown motivations
Never ever use your true email on Lemmy
I don't know but I know that hating on franchises isn't worth my effort nowadays aside from some short dopamine burst now and then. I have learned with Last Jedi that panta rhei and all, I can always have my own head canon which is mostly EU and TCW 2008 and maybe some other thing I like.