
joined 3 months ago

I've had several, performed by good dentists. By far the worst part is administering the anesthesia. Second to that is the long boring wait in the dentist's chair.

I think that's happened more than once. And at least once was captured on video and put on YouTube. It has to do with trigger "safeties" such as on Glocks which increase the possibility of a negligent discharge. Were I a warrior who likely would be in a situation where their lives depended on getting a quick shot off, I'd consider a pistol with a trigger safety. But not otherwise.

Were the US able to tax its billionaires reasonably, it would not be so in debt.

I don't know where in the South you were. But in the rest of the US, when you order coffee you will usually be asked "cream or sugar" in the event you don't want it black (no cream no sugar), which is the default.

The yucky sweetness of store-bought commercial bread is a major reason why I bake my own.