Yeah, but you gotta admit, the name is pretty bad ass
Yeah, so they showed they did it once and can do it again
I didn't say "mandatory assault weapons buybacks", I said another AWB, like the one passed in 1994 if I must be more specific.
I never realized it before, but Mount Everest is a name straight out of a fantasy novel. Like a slightly more polite term for Mount Death. Pretty badass.
Wasn't it that it doesn't actually star he-man? I vaguely remember some dumb culture war shit about it
No, the goty version comes with everything you need
If you want to play Fallout London, get the GOG version. It's extremely easy to set up. The steam version needs you to revert it back before BGS broke it with the next gen update. It's a pain.
So how populated are these counties? There's quite a few with less than a hundred people, you'd be lucky with a GP in those counties. And there's even more counties with less than a thousand, perfectly reasonable to be missing a obstetrician. Definitely not ideal, but still reasonable.
This is basically a "people live in cities" post.
Yes. That's better than an AWB to a large chunk of America.