they were also sold on his mysogyny and sexism too.
nothing stopping people from buy machetes.
the TIMES magazine has been fellating the king for a while now.
putin also periodically moves between his bunkers in the urals and foritfied palaces often, and alway keep his staff at a 40m table.
Measles, syphillis, rubella, mumps, chickenpox even. chickenpox is especially dangerous to adults who never had it.
smallpox being one, there is evidence smallpox originated from horses, which were abundant in europe, horses had thier own pox virus.(and going back further it came from an unknown rodent host.
we had a Navajo professor in college, he had a huge attitude problem stemming from all this.
he regurlarly lash out at students because hes mad over what the USA did to his people and he is projecting and misplacing anger.
it is a heavy metal.
they said they encourage it, but in reality, it just puts you ask risk for bans, because you can accidentally comment in a sub with low metrics, and then get flagged when your comment gets removed.(the filter automatically thinks your spamming, but not an outright ban.
seems like they are on the verge of selling reddit off, since they have been banning since NOV, in large waves(3 according to some people). i was in a forum where the people that use of had 10-50+ all gone at once.
havnt tested it by commenting yet. im not surprised if it is.
the voting machines, the extremely close call on all blue counties, never ordered a recount.