We really just gotta start eating them…
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Hey, believe in yourself, that semicolon belongs there if you believe it belongs there.
Kathy Geiss jump scare
Inflated from the novelty of its EoL. May go down once the press dies down but with them not making more that wont last long probably. But anyone with the ability to set this thing up with custom firmware probably has the smarts to build something close enough for much cheaper. I should not I mean cheaper in a purely monetary sense for parts, that doesn’t account for labor and talent.
Definitely a fair assessment.
Why are yall downvoting a question? Fr there’s no indication this was asked in bad faith. Are yall just morons?
Hearsay: a friend reported a man with a concealed gun on the Silver Line(WMATA, DC metro) asking people who they were voting for last Sunday.
Kenneth jumpscare