Yeah, I am not going to bother learning its new name. I’m not calling it x to anyone. If anyone calls it x to me in real life I’m going to pretend I don’t know what they are talking about.
Xvideo? I never heard of that before um…
So the generations that have heard all their life that their will not be any social security for them when they get old think it should change and the people currently getting it do not think it should change?
It is really great! I just finished a watch of it a few weeks ago and I just want to watch it again.
The characters are really great.
I wonder how many of them are legit games and how many are just some crappy thing that hardly qualifies as a game.
13000 verified steam deck games and about 11000 switch games.
Also, there are about a billion toms that work perfectly on the stream deck.
Tutorials like this that are really simple might be a good way yo introduce the idea that Linux does not need to be difficult or complex.
Chrome is so common and it demonstrates that you can use something familiar on Linux.
That was a really interesting read. Thanks for sharing that. It’s well worth the time for anyone else wondering.
To add to this, they have been talking about remaking the show.
Crime family? I thought he couldn’t speak a sentence properly? Which is it?
Thanks for posting this. I’ve listened to them a lot when I was a bit younger, but I’ve never seen one of their videos. They are pretty crazy, but it was fun to watch.
I think big companies will have a mix of both.
I think a big job for the remaining artists will be to tweak or improve what the ai makes and then iterate on it.