Elon: “Amateurs”
If he learns about wind, he could start a university.
I think the mobile app developers should run their own instances and default to that so it feels less confusing to new users.
The presence of water is nice
Anecdotally, a right-wing chud I’m unfortunately acquainted with was pestering me for weeks about it — and he’s not even a Star Wars fan.
I won’t pretend it was a good series, but the incel review bombing was an unnecessary distraction. It had potential and I would have liked to see them correct course and continue the story for another season.
I believe this is in itself a broad categorization.
whispers quietly in your ear: “Usenet”
Everyone talking about extraction seems to be missing one important thing: liquid water invites the possibility of life.
I’m a few weeks into sobriety and I gotta say, stopping drinking is an amazing feeling. I only had trouble sleeping one or two nights.
Probably by mixing bleach into their food.