
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Cheers, I'll definitely give it another go, what I played of it was fantastic.

With the running out of pins, I just meant the map markers that you can place on the map. You have a few different colours and a limited amount of each, so I was using them for different types of gate/hurdle/blockage. But quickly ran out. That's when I decided to draw a map

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I don't play metroidvania type games very often, and I struggle to remember details to come back to. For example,, if I gain a dash ability, I want to be able to check my map and know where to head back to as there might be half a dozen spots it may allow access to.

Add in a few other types of blocked routes scattered throughout, and all of the branching paths etc, I find it hugely helpful to have a customised map.

I first tried with just the in game maps and the pins you can drop, but I ran out of pins before finding the abilities to revisit and clear out the areas.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Control is about story and atmosphere for me, I usually play games on normal or hard modes for the challenge but something about Control's particular difficulty was annoying and got in the way. I tweaked some of the accessibility options and found a real nice balance, didn't make it easy but made it super enjoyable

[–] 6 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Hollow Knight for me also... I'll resume once I find the damn paper maps I drew while exploring, I moved house and they're somewhere.....

[–] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Flying tips:

Always lock on to your target planet. For example, if you're wanting to fly around Timber Hearth (home planet) instead of jetting off to someplace else, lock on to Timber Hearth first. This lets you use the 'match velocity' button to bring yourself to a stop any time you start feeling out of control. Use it a lot.

Until you have a hang of the controls, the landing camera can be helpful for exploring too. It doesn't tell you this but when you're in the landing camera, the flying mode changes too: the ship will automatically orient itself so that the feet (and landing camera) are pointing straight down (again, make sure you're locked on to the planet).

Now you can stop worrying about pitch and roll completely. Don't touch them. Just use the right trigger gently to hover, go up, or let go to fall a bit. Use the left stick to strafe around the planet. If it's small like the moon, it can kinda feel like just rotating the ball beneath you to look at the surface.

The landing cam also has a cute little altitude meter that I didn't notice for the longest time

Edit: feel free to message me in the future if you do give it another go and have any questions, I'd love to help you experience it. I wouldn't worry about any 'platforming' in the game, if something is physically very challenging it's usually not the intended solution. It is also usually very clever about any long trips to get back to where you were.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago

Haha yeah blame those victims

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Get them on the real stuff, there's plenty of it. The couch thing is known to be made up and is just misinformation now (well, always was).

He certainly seems like someone who might fuck a couch because he's fucking weird, so keep the jokes about it coming, but the book excerpt was fake

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Just go double or nothing a few times! Simple!

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Well goddamn it. I was just having this convo on another thread. My main point: don't spread lies especially when there is SO MUCH real shit to laugh at them for...

Edited from my other comments elsewhere:

JD is a creepy weirdo, but the couch story was made up.

I fucking hate it when people feel the need to make up stuff about someone who already has plenty of real red flags that need attention.

Yes it's funny, and it's working in the short term. But any lie, once uncovered, makes it so much easier for even the worst positions to be defended. 'See, they have to make shit up about us, they have nothing'. Bam, now even all the other factual points are discredited in the eyes of many people who may have been on the fence.

You know the whole 'fake news' thing being thrown around a lot by one side in particular? It doesn't seem like a good idea to give them more examples they can correctly point to when they want to discredit you and anything else you say.

Keep calling them weird, keep having fun with it. It's fucking great. But use the real shit. There's so much

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Really? You haven't seen a rise in facts being deemed false? Or maybe news being deemed fake? Maybe there's even been a new term created for it that is being thrown around a lot by one side in particular.

Doesn't seem like a good idea to give them more examples they can point to when they want to discredit your facts

[–] -5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

From an outside perspective on the other side of the world, I disagree. Any lie, once uncovered, makes it so much easier for even the the worst positions to be defended. 'See, they have to make shit up about us, they have nothing'. Bam, now even all the other factual points are discredited in the eyes of many people who may have been on the fence.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (11 children)

Jd is a creepy weirdo, but the couch story was made up.

Not directed at you (unless you already knew it was fake, I guess) - I fucking hate it when people feel the need to make up stuff about someone who already has plenty of real red flags that need attention.


I'm new to Lemmy, and found to be where I want my accounts. I created this one, which got approved very quickly. I then created a second one, because I'd like this one to be more anonymous and the second one to match my username on Twitch (and my real name is easily found there).

The second account seems to have not been approved, I'm not sure how to tell but it's been hours (and this account was approved in minutes). Could have been because I tried to use the same email address, is that supported?

Whatever reason it was, does this mean that username is gone and no longer available? Is there any way for me to try again?

EDIT: Never mind, of course the moment I create this post, I check again and the signup has been approved. I swear I was being patient!

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