
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Send death threats, get locked up. Seems to make sense.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

Sometimes, the majority is false because it only includes those with power. Sometimes the majority is not just wrong but actively selfish and maybe just a little evil.

Good point. I mean, look at the Australian referendum on giving Indigenous people a voice in that country.

If human rights were based on majority rule we'd still have slavery.

[–] -4 points 11 months ago (3 children)

We bear witness. But CBC News does not itself designate specific groups as terrorists, or specific acts as terrorism, regardless of the region or the events, because these words are so loaded with meaning, politics and emotion that they can end up being impediments to our journalism.

Surely there are objective examples that require no attribution though. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center is a good example.

As well, I don't think there's any argument that the Hamas attack on Israel could be anything other than a terrorist attack (without attribution) because they targeted civilians with the specific intent to kidnap. It wasn't a country invading another country, or a case of a resistance force pushing out an occupier. Had Hamas attacked only military targets only the hard liners would call it a terrorist attack. But what Hamas committed was terrorist atrocities.

On the flip side, one could argue that Israel's retaliations are state-sanctioned reprisals that ostensibly act as a means of terror to the Palestinian population. However, since Israel as a nation is condoning the military action I don't think it could strictly be said it's terrorism.

[–] 14 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I think the bizarre thing is that unions are negotiating 3% wage increases and it's like.... that's below inflation.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago

It's a shame the pole won't be in Scotland where it could serve as an education piece both about colonialism and Indigenous culture in British Columbia, but I do understand the desire from the Nisga'a to bring back something they feel belongs to their Nation.

[–] 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

High cost of living, unsustainable gas prices, runaway climate change, housing crisis, stagnant wages.

I'm sure the right wingers will be the perfect solution to these problems.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Milk used to come in glass bottles

I don't want more glass (deposit and all) unless they go back to milkmen delivering it and taking away the empties. And even then, that wouldn't work because of the delivery costs.

I have so much glass I have to take to the recycling depot and it's not worth your time and gasoline to do it.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I agree it's not the supermarkets' fault but it's an industry problem. Why is everything wrapped in plastic? Even bananas and cucumbers and things that don't need plastic?

One thing we could do is have refillable containers and just reuse them! Why are bulk aisles just a thing for nuts and grains? Why can't we come and fill up milk or shampoo or other things in our refillables?

Anyway, the bigger story is that there are too many humans. We don't have a plastics problem, we have a human overpopulation problem.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Colonel Nicholson: Yes, Clipton. I understand, truly. But don't you see it's a matter of principle? If we give in now, there will be no end to it. No!

Major Clipton: Sir, we're lost in the jungle, a thousand miles from anywhere. We're under the heel of a man who will stop at nothing to get his way. Principle? No one will know or care what happens to us! Give in, sir! Please!

I guess she thought she'd win like Nicholson.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Only the capitalists care

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm not sure what a solution is but I do think that we should encourage people to not have children, stop handing out the baby bonus, and reduce immigration. I feel these moves can provide a (non-genocidal) way to relieving the pressures of human overpopulation. For example, Japan is doing great work in reducing their population, a trend that will reduce the strain of housing and services in that country.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

We shouldn't but here we are.

What else can we do?

By the way, news companies are also run by maniacs.


So, during the pandemic my family doctor, who is American, went back to her country, leaving me without a medical professional.

When the pandemic ended, I went in search of a new family doctor in my city in British Columbia. However I couldn't find one. I did find a nurse practitioner who can do most of what a doctor can do, including prescriptions.

In October, 2022, she asked me to do a standard physical at Life Labs so I did. She called me on the phone later to say everything was fine.

However, 8 months later, in June, I was called by an outpatient medical clinic asking me to come in for an EKG. Confused, I asked why. And they said it was triggered by my visit to LifeLabs and requested by my primary care provider.

I went for the EKG, which ended up being an ultrasound. That was June 27.

Then I waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing.

I finally called my NP and asked why I haven't heard back on what the results were and the receptionist said it's standard practice to only contact patients if follow-up is necessary. But I felt like something must have triggered the follow-up EKG/ultrasound so I wish I'd been told what that was and why I visited the hospital for it.

However, the tone of the receptionist made me think it's the normal way and I'm just being entitled.

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