
joined 10 months ago

I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I am going through something very personally affecting and psychologically damaging. I have leased a unit with a severe and active roach infestation.

I'm trying to see this as a growth opportunity, but I need some help. I am looking for advice on staying present, performing at a high level, and managing stress through a legal battle that will inevitably last for 6-8 months (until court) and cause thousands of dollars of losses...

Some background:

The landlord offered the lease with full knowledge of the infestation, but I did not know. I have evidence that they did know.

They will not let me break the lease (started about a week ago). This was to be my primary residence and I have been in limbo since then as it has been unsafe for me and my pet to stay there (I also have a pet with common chronic health issues, and he can't be exposed to pesticides at all--even ones generally deemed safe).

The unit has been sprayed and will be sprayed again twice more according to my landlord. This means paying $2300 for the month a unit I will have no use of for the full month.

This has been giving me headaches and reducing my focus and sleep. The cockroaches have already given me two nightmares. Now, the kicker is that, a little like an entrepreneur, I have a high-stress, high reward professional job. I can't be in such a state of stress, not being able to focus...

So what can I do to grow from this? I don't want to look back next year and feel I lost a year worrying AND potentially lost thousands of dollars because of it (if I lose in court).

My plan:

  • Monitor my eating and drinking, making sure it's healthy (because of the stress, I've been skipping meals and not drinking enough water
  • Exercise every day
  • Take melatonin to help me get to sleep... I know this isn't a long-term solution though
  • Schedule time to research, worry and prepare for my legal issue instead of letting it seep into all areas of my life and all times of day
  • Therapy. I used a therapist to cope with the severe stress of the pandemic in 2021... I know I could use some support with this situation and how much it's weighing on me

What perspective can I adopt to see this as a good thing? What words of wisdom, habits or other actions do you recommend? Would Ashwaghanda support me?