“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again.”
joined 1 year ago
Dell is still going?
I thought this was Habbo Hotel. Never heard of whatever it actually is.
Now they have to figure out how to stop losing so much money,
Oh, If love it if their lawyers tore a big strip out of Open AI (not that OpenAI need any help operating their massive money furnace.)
I just see two autistics attempting to communicate by email.
RTO always sheds the staff you can least afford to lose. My last place lost half their senior team, and have clearly learned absolutely nothing.
They should make the barrels that explode when shot red in real life too, just in case.
I thought dadrock was Ocean Colour Scene!
At four o’clock the normal world seems very very very far away.
Maybe he knows where all the unsold E.T. carts are buried.