I see, you are one of those non delusional types, sorry for those assumptions.
The problem isn’t the two party or one party system. Both provide stability. The problem is the lack of the separation of powers.
The position of General Secretary allowed Stalin to appoint his allies into key positions without any vote from the other factions of the government.
I will admit what occurred under Gorbachev is very similar to what is occurring under the US with Yeltsin essentially being Russia’s Trump who appealed to Russian nationalism and who claimed that he will make Russia great again by getting rid of what he viewed as welfare queens that was the other Soviet republics and getting rid of Soviet authority. But I would also like to point out that the CPSU would have been capable of fighting off this Russian “trumpist” if it wasn’t for the August Coup which deteriorated the CPSU’s authority giving the Soviet government no means to fight back against right-wing nationalism.
Another problem was that Gorbachev did allow some independents to run for government meaning democracy was not kept within the party where factions would have been able to unite against a right wing nationalist.
I personally recommend a system where there are multi candidate elections but all candidates have to be part of the same party. This will essentially turn the socialist party into a big tent party albeit the party will have the single goal of progressing towards socialism. Factions in the party will essentially act as a miniature parliament as factions could also create coalitions between each other.
There are two times this happened.
The Early USSR before Stalin took power with there being the right wing of the party who advocated for a market socialist economy and the continuation of voluntary collectivization, the center wing of the party (Stalin’s faction) who advocated for a centrally planned economy and forced collectivization, and finally the left wing of the party who were Trotskyists. There was nothing necessarily wrong with system except that Stalin was given a position which had too much power. The position of General Secretary was too powerful to exist in any democratic government and allowed him to destroy the separation of powers between the different factions (similar to what Trump is doing).
Late USSR under Gorbachev who allowed multi candidate elections albeit almost all candidates had to be party of the CPSU but failed because of the deterioration of the authority of the CPSU caused by the August Coup which strengthened the authority of the government of the RSFSR which was controlled by Yeltsin and friends who destroyed the USSR in support for Russian nationalism (they didn’t want Russia to subsidize its poorer republics and wanted Russia out of the CPSU/Soviet government’s authority).
It keeps the bad opinions out while keeping flexibility when it comes to socialist policies and allows proper discussions relating how to manage a socialist economy, workers rights, and social laws, etc.
A big problem that faces the transgender movement is just how uneducated people are about them.
I used to be against all that for the same reasons that conservatives are such as being fed misinformation regarding say puberty blockers when in reality, they are quite safe and I believed this nonsense until I received a major ass reaming.
To each their own.
And people wondered why the Democrats lost the election?
Clearly yet more tax cuts for the oligarchs is more important than the health of the American people.