Despite having a degree, which shows that you can do the job, employers still ignore your application, or reject you.
Now, college students have a thing called loans. Whether or not you have a job, those loan providers still want to be paid.
If the student can't pay the loans, and their family cosigned the loans, but they can't pay it, then thats a LOT of pressure from family, and everyone involved is going to have a bad time.
My degree is in game programming. I rolled a nat 1, I guess, cause all the gaming jobs are abruptly disappearing this year, and I just graduated last year. I've given up on pursuing a job for a game company, for now.
I've been in the red a couple times. I'm barely afloat as it is. During December and January, I was thinking about either suicide, or abandoning my life. Going on the road.
But I didn't have the strength to really do it.
I'm at about $130,000 in debt. I am working minimum wage. And entry level for my field is 60-90k.
You can imagine how gutwrenching it might be to be that close to having a liveable income, when you were raised poor, and you've only had minimum wage jobs your whole life. Now I'm back at a minimum wage job, and I have to pay ~$1000 a month in just school loans.
So...I can relate.
I did, but it only applies to federal loans. I'm currently paying "personal loans" which are student loans from other lenders.