joined 1 year ago

Anyone can use GPT-4 for free. Co-pilot uses GPT-4 and with a Microsoft account you can do up to 30 queries. I've used it a lot to create Excel VBA code for work and it's pretty good. Much better than GPT-3.5 that's for sure.

[–] 11 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Someone who thinks games should be fully fleshed out when released is getting downvoted? The game shouldn't of required fixing in the first place. Why the fuck are people these days so willing to accept unfinished products? They promised the moon before release and people rightfully lost their shit when it didn't meet expectations. Why should we praise them for fixing their fuck-up?

I've completed the game twice and it was fantastic. I just hate how the bare minimum is what's expected now.

[–] 138 points 4 months ago (16 children)

I canceled Prime as soon as they announced they were adding ads and I let them know that was the reason. Fuck them. We moved to streaming because it wasn't cable, now these fuck heads are trying to turn streaming into cable. Capitalism is the fucking worst.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

You're getting downvoted but I agree. The first game is one of my most played on Steam and I was invited to the technical test for the second. But I probably won't be buying it any time soon. I absolutely hate the trend of buying unfinished products. While this developer is most likely not taking advantage, so many others do. Why should we pay money to beta test your game???

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I was invited to the beta and by the time I went to download it, it was over. Regret not getting to try it out to know if I should buy it. Hades is one of my most played games on Steam but I will probably wait to get it. I prefer buying my games once they are mostly polished.

[–] 33 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

RTO, much like everything else is about rich people. The Canadian Federal government just announced that all public servants must be in office 60% of the time by September (up from 40%). And the only reason is due to lobbying by real estate holders and businesses downtown.

I'm so fucking tired of rich people not only having the advantage of being rich but also getting every other advantage handed to them by the government.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I'd love to but I live in a small town with only 2 grocery stores. No Frills and Metro. I have to drive 30 minutes to another town if I want to shop somewhere else. They're both expensive so I usually end up going to both and looking for sales.

I have doubts that this boycott will actually make a difference. The world is fucked and controlled by the rich. The only way things will ever change is if the working class band together and force change. But we're all too busy arguing amongst eachother about meaningless shit to do that.

T&T is owned by Loblaws...

[–] 21 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Same here, I used to torrent all my movies. Then Netflix came out, it was a lot simpler and less time consuming to just pay 10$ a month. I torrented a lot less after that.

But now, streaming companies are just turning into cable channels. Completely negating why streaming became so popular in the first place, because it wasn't cable. You didn't have to suffer through ads and you could watch what you wanted when you wanted.

It's no surprise, that's what capitalism is, everything eventually turns to shit in the pursuit of infinite growth.

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