
joined 10 months ago

You are onto something. It is reported sales receipts which likely will be revised downward. The numbers for now are probably real and you can it is already reported that more of it was credit cards. In other words people have less actual cash to spend. Inflation alone will count for a good part of the increase. Sadly however the consumer will not stop spending when losing jobs, having less cash, or seeing a slowing economy. They just borrow more to keep their spending level at what they were comfortable recently. It is unfortunately why things swing so far from one extreme to the other, and flies in the face of a soft landing. Certainly that sort of spending keeps economic numbers stronger longer. However, when they do start to falter, the consumer will be in a much worse place and the slow down will be deeper for a longer.

Negative people can be pragmatic and creative at the same time. They have a unique ability to approach things from a worst case scenario state of mind and build from there. It could be a good partnership if you are on the overly optimistic side. See if you can engage her to help balance things out and to offer solutions to her negative observations. She may be the best troubleshooter stress tester your ideas could ask for. Ground rules might help keep the hurt feelings at bay. Good luck.