...for now...
Enshittification is just a good concept because it's everywhere! It's basically how business operates on internet platforms. First the good times: you provide value to customers and sellers alike. Then the shitty times for sellers: the business begins to charge sellers where they weren't being charged before and things that were free or easy to access before. Then the shitty times for everybody: customers begin to be extracted for their value as formerly free or easy to access stuff gets paywalled. The Bu
Planned obsolescence is enshittification of manufactured goods and services. Make a name with a strong product that meets customers needs, then focus on profit maximization, intentionally sabotaging the product so that customers are required to come back to you to buy it again.
De-regulation, in many cases, is the enshittification of so many things. The government limits potentially nasty things whole industries can do and then de-regulation comes in and upends all of that. Suddenly, trains are spilling toxic chemicals all over Ohio because of a rolled back law on safety.
It's everywhere and it's all about value extraction.
Yeah, that's a disaster. Why would we constrain carbon emissions mitigation by neoclassical economic principles? Is the fundamental question for them how to maximize shareholder value while mitigating emissions?
Decide to what do first according to climatologists then turn to economists to make it happen. Put economics profession in its place as secondary to literally everything. It's a means to an end.
I still read the news and argue about it with people on the internet, which is what I'm recommending against doing. Don't be me. Live your life. I'm seriously not sure I'm more off "informed" than if I were to just draw furry erotica all day.
For me, the key question is, What does being up to date help you? And my answer, as someone that is constantly up to date, is that it doesn't.
Any number of hobbies. Try to make a tree grow.
Maybe a controversial take, but there's no reason to pay attention to the news.
It's basically propaganda through and through and made to make you feel small and unsafe in your own home.
Honestly, I think half the US would be more informed if they never watched the news again.
Just use regular chatgpt. It's the same thing without the Microsoft integration...
Lol, I'm already planning on eliminating my gas bill. Rewiring America is an excellent resource for this.
...that's freakin' cool!
I have a temporary dream (as in we'll see how long this lasts...) of building a database of legislation by state that can easily be queried.
I think a lot of people rely on the news to tell them how to interpret legislation when it's actually really easy to figure it out for yourself if you know where to look. And with the proliferation of AI, it should be even easier to know what legislation is without some political analyst with an agenda.
Anyway, the idea is to have all this available on one website that uses open source code for the underlying database.
Here's what Perplexity.ai said: