looks like a circus or something?
Thanks for the suggestion, I found a pdf of it online I’ll check it out
I’ve been going on lots of walks and jogs, I try to go at least once a day. It’s good for my mental health which has otherwise been kinda bad lately.
Even just having Sponsorblock built-in changed my life!!
Anyone else thinking about Ukraine right now? I am.
As I said in another comment in this post - I believe seeing who upvoted or downvoted a post aids in identifying rabid downvoters and bots, though I personally use mobile Lemmy apps and am unable to access that data.
I agree! I believe seeing who upvoted or downvoted a post aids in identifying rabid downvoters and bots. However, I personally use mobile Lemmy apps and am unable to access that data.
I just wanted to drop in to say I do the same!! Especially on iOS where regular Firefox is kinda so-so (but better than Safari) Firefox Focus meanwhile is King
Just hacker things
I’ll wait for MM Pro Max edition ;)
Does that adapter come in MadeForAppleProducts™?
I feel like Instagram should be higher I see a lot of shit talk on there