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[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don’t really know, tbh. But I do know a lot of the stuff the corporate media in the west reports on about NK are verifiably flat out lies. Stuff like “every male citizen is forced to get the same haircut as KJU”. That was a story invented whole cloth by a broadsheet rag in SK, then picked up by western media sources and reported to us as fact.

There is a financial element to this: saying outrageous things about NK leads to tidy profits. Even NK defectors have been caught lying about the place. What’s her face was touring Americas right wing talk shows recently, saying things that either just aren’t true or wildly exaggerated. She’s made a good career of it.

So don’t trust immediately. Verify. Every media source has a bias and recognize that whenever you view one.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 28 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

Fairy creek was pretty much the last of the old growth forests on Vancouver Island (other than a small amount of parkland). That shit is never coming back, not for 5-10 generations, possibly not for a thousand years. And that’s only if the land is left untouched to recover (which it will not be). I have personally seen the devastation of the island in rural areas. Along the highways the forest is left in tact, but just a couple metres away it is entirely clear cut. They hide it from us because people would start to care if they knew the truth.

The benefit? Large sums of money for a few wealthy individuals. The leader who saw this through retired and is working for the forestry industry now. And the wood from these precious trees? Turned into guitars and other embellishments. An utter waste of a non-renewable resource. They could have logged any second-growth forest for this.

Never forget that it was the BC NDPs that did this — the supposed leftist, environmentalist party. Reformist politicians and the entire parliamentary system needs to be shed. Voting for them has never worked and never will work.

Gain some class consciousness.


[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 5 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Yeah I don’t want to deny the horrific living situation of NK’s citizens, but after some of the outrageous propaganda we’re fed in the west, mostly by SK media groups, I am reluctant to believe anything about that country that is presented in this way.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 11 points 8 months ago

They aren’t even tangentially related to the solution. We need to crush that myth. These are oil producers that are concerned only with how to maximize their profits from the remaining oil supply. There has been 28 of these conferences so far and not a I gel thing has been fixed. They spent the first two days of the conference arguing over the term “phasing out”.

The only way the climate crises will ever be fixed is with democratic control of heavy industry.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 40 points 8 months ago (1 children)

She did some stripping and she had a blog… am I missing something here? Half the girls I knew in college did that.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 18 points 8 months ago

Yeah that’s insane. Canada Post isn’t supposed to make money.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 1 points 9 months ago

Weird how there’s been 28 of these things and not a single one has accomplished anything.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yeah. Who will we make fun of if they’re all gone?

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one -5 points 9 months ago (2 children)

It’s not a supply issue — there’s enough empty homes in Canada right now to house every single person in this country.

[–] Radicalized@lemmy.one 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

This is a Canadian media source reporting on Canada. Do you have anything to add other than “other people do it so we should too”?

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