
joined 1 year ago
[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I gotta be honest, it works really poorly here, especially when viewing all/hot. It's just constantly loading new posts and pushing down and off-screen whatever you're trying to read or click. It's frankly unusable.

This type of thing should be a user setting, not a site wide setting, IMO.

Yep, this is exactly what I meant. Just the option to disable auto post loading so you see whatever posts where loaded at the time you initially opened the page. If I want to see new posts, I can hit reload myself.

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Forearms. It's always forearms.

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

Reddit following in their footsteps shortly after

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Right, good point. Scroll down, it disappears. Scroll up, it reappears regardless of scroll position.

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 year ago

Good question. Not sure what the best procedure might be here. Could be as simple promoting them in order of initial mirror deployment dates and the others become mirrors for the newly activated instance.

Triggering the activation could be a part of an instance decommissioning procedure where the operator selects the mirror to become the successor. Maybe there could be some basic system specs and network performance reporting so they could choose the optimal instance. Users would receive a message that their account is being moved to another instance and domain.

In the event of an unexpected outage, there could be a deadman switch style timeout where the fastest mirror activates automatically after the original instance is out for long enough, but also a process for the operator of the downed instance to delay the takeover by signaling, "I'm working on it." In the event of automatic takeover, since users wouldn't be able to receive messages, there would have to be some sort of global lemmy notice system so users of the downed instance know where to go, like a sticky post on the front page or maybe just a separate "notices" page.

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago (7 children)

That's definitely my main concern I have with this federated infrastructure. It's basically the same as IMAP email: if the server goes down, your account and everything it's associated with goes down with it.

It's a neat idea and has some benefits, but there really needs to be some sort of backup system in place. Maybe something like mirror instances, where anyone could spin up an instance with the sole purpose of mirroring another instance in case it goes down.

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I'll probably do that at some point, but I think repo issues are supposed to be single topic, so I'll have to do that when I have more time.


issue: menus are not always immediately apparent

suggestion: style menus like sidebars (outlines and backgrounds)

issue: user menu elements on mobile are jammed against left edge

suggestion: add left padding

issue: content and comments are too narrow on large/wide displays

suggestion: add option to set min and max widths relative to viewport (CSS VW)

issue: main menu (from hamburger button) elements on mobile/narrow displayed as block is unsightly

suggestion: elements should be inline-block until they cannot fit on one line

issue: comment action icons are unnecessarily hidden

suggestion: show all comment icons persistently (could be grouped as [up/down/reply] on left, [message/flag/block/fav/source] on right; could be a user profile option to show/hide additional comment options persistently)

issue: message notification (bell icon) often indicates unread count when all messages are read

suggestion: fix

issue: auto-refresh on posts causes elements to move down as reading when scrolled

suggestion: implement option to disable auto-refresh OR move scroll position down correspondingly to total height of dynamically loaded post elements

issue: (if above feature implemented) must refresh page if auto-refresh disabled

suggestion: add soft-reload button (reloads posts)

issue: [subscribed|local|all] default from user profile doesn't work (always selects local)

suggestion: fix

issue: no function to block a specific community from your feed

suggestion: add function

issue: notifications view has no stateful awareness of viewing mode [unread|all] or [all|replies|mentions|messages]

suggestion: add stateful awareness to enable browser <|> navigation

issue: replying to inbox comment/message does not display after submitting reply

suggestion: display reply to comment after submitting reply

issue: [show context] from inbox comment does not display immediate parent comment

suggestion: [show context] from inbox comment should display immediate parent comment

issue: when viewing context from comment on a non-local instance, you are not authenticated and cannot reply from context

suggestion: implement cross-instance authentication OR link to context in the currently-authenticated instance

issue: [next] buttons have no stateful awareness (displays an empty page when clicked from the last page in a set)

suggestion: [next] should be statefully aware of page and be disabled when viewing last available page

issue: when inbox messages appear as a notification, there should be a button to mark them as read

suggestion: add function

issue: inbox messages are only marked read when explicitly clicking [read] checkmark button

suggestion: messages should be marked read when replying or navigating to context

Hope this helps make some improvements to the UX! :)

EDIT another one while I'm thinking of it: it would be nice for the top toolbar to be fixed at the top so you don't need to scroll back up to use it.

[–] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 year ago

These are some issues I've been thinking about as well.

What's to stop someone from impersonating another user on a different instance? Maybe there should be a distributed user index amongst instances to prevent duplicate usernames?

I think making the federalized infrastructure incumbent upon users to understand and select is not something the average user is going to bother with. This is complicated problem, I don't know the answer might be off the top of my head.

And what happens when an instance goes down? Does every user and their history get torched? Is there a migration process or at least a decommissioning policy in place?