I've got a wall they could share
I second this one, the logos should all be creative commons of some sort, support your local print shop and have them print whatever you're looking for.
Of course it's a crime (or at the very least illegal, but a civil matter), you're distributing pirated media.
Are you going to get caught? No.
You are correct
Don't disparage acid like that, every psychedelic user I know is left wing
Best I can do is push it worldwide on a Friday morning
it's easier than waiting in line for their IT help desk to deliver them their boot encryption key
Especially when the encryption keys are all stored on a Windows server that's bootlooped
Companies use the same software on Linux and Mac systems, and it's a kernel module there as well; this could have happened to any OS that companies are using it on, it just happened to happen on Windows.
Giving kernel access to outside software is always a risk; these companies chose to take that risk
It was a kernel module, there's nothing Microsoft could have done
cops exist to protect and serve
Supreme Court says otherwise. It's just a slogan, not an actual mission statement
You can tell when a church is actually doing good work because right-wingers will try to stop them