They'll leave a niche and something potentially worse might fill it. Bit of a gamble there. I am all for trying though.
Chances are the bullet is still in there, as its basically a vacuum.
Are these the snowflakes I heard so much about?
Well duh, why would I want Egyptian hieroglyphs on my keyboard??? /s
None. None more black.
You must be a l33t h4x0r!
To be fair, even thought that's not needed with this guy, what he could actually mean is that he doesn't give a crap who anyone votes for in 4 years since its not going to be him anyway, and for him he is the only person that counts.
But yeah, all the other theories are also plausible unfortunately.
Replacing it with what exactly. Another 13/14th gen chip?
Not sure, it doesn't look like it keeps history because it also keeps asking me about keeping cookies or not pretty much every time. Maybe because I always reject.
There's no coming back from this!
Inb4: "somehow" the Lars's returned.