joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

People say that Bloodfiend nerf isn't significant, like 220 -> 195 bleed buildup or somewhere along those lines. So it's probably still viable

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

They increased players' attack and defence a little, probably by 10% or something. They didn't remove any bosses or even bosses' attacks, they didn't replace standard dodge with Bloodhound step or do anything drastic. I don't understand what you are so mad about

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Ok, so you do admit that opposition to gay marriage is based on hate. Good.

And the discussion was about the fact that the vast majority of conservative policies are dictated by fear. Have you forgotten?

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Can you give me one singular reason to oppose gay marriage that isn't based on hate?

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Yeah. There's a lot of things that conservatives hate, that's what I was saying since the beginning. And I didn't even mention the hate of non-christians, for example, or for socialists.

And if you support some things but not the others, you're still supporting policies based on hate, so my point stands

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (7 children)

Well... if a conservative:

  • supports gay marriage
  • doesn't believe in ROGD or the notion that people become transgender because of social contagion
  • is okay with sex education that includes homosexuality
  • supports transgender athletes
  • supports transgender people using bathrooms according to their gender
  • is okay with drag shows and doesn't believe they're automatically unsuitable for children
  • doesn't believe that people of color are inherently more violent/stupid/dangerous/filthy/etc
  • supports schools in teaching even the unsightly parts of the country's history
  • supports immigration
  • supports diversity and inclusion
  • doesn't believe that young people are lazy ungrateful brats
  • doesn't support patriarchy
  • defends women's rights to abortion
  • believes that government should spend more money on helping homeless, drug addicts, disabled, orphans, etc

Is this person still a conservative?

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (9 children)

Yeah, modern conservatives are ridiculous. Haven't you heard?

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (11 children)

How am I generalizing, beyond pointing out the defining cause behind the movement?

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (13 children)

Oh, yeah, you should be hateful of intolerance. If you aren't, you're hurting those who are getting hatecrimed by conservatives

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (15 children)

I should be what? A conservative? No, thank you, I live in reality and I'm not scared of made-up culture war bullshit

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (17 children)

Conservatives are much more hateful than any stereotype

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

I meant that these things aren't as noticeable from outside of the country. Like, foreign news outlets probably won't report on it much. Plus, eggs are more of an exception because of sudden shortage and prices rising rapidly. For most of the other goods the price grows more gradually and isn't as obvious. Like in that metaphor about slowly boiling a frog.

Another problem that is noticeable from inside the country (at least by those affected by it) is that certain medications are vanishing from the pharmacies because they are no longer imported and they were never produced locally, or the local production is insufficient to meet the needs. I don't know the full list, but the stock of ADHD meds is definitely low, and I've heard from friends that they had to switch to a different antidepressant due to shortages.

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