
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Desktop FF here, been getting kicked off roughly once a day on default.

Not happening on Mlmym (old.), which I found to be better anyway. Wish I'd know about it before. Please keep it maintained!

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Heh. A couple decades ago in the early days of WoW, I was dual booting. It legit performed better under Wine than it did on Windows. Busy cities in WoW were well known to be fps killers. On Windows I was getting below 10fps, and almost double that on Wine (with the same quality settings).

Glad to see them continuing the tradition. I never did figure out (nor cared) how Wine managed to do it back then. Mostly cause I was too busy being addicted to that stupid time sink of a game...

[–] 13 points 9 months ago

break and continue are just goto in disguise ... use return instead of break

An if statement is goto in disguise. So is a return.

Some would argue having 10x 4-line functions are worse for readability and debugging than a single 40-liner, because to actually understand the code you have to jump around all over the page (another disguised goto - for your eyes!)

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

based on curiosity, which was short lived, because Linux (Mandrake) at the time was too challenging.

Story of my life back in high school. Except it was Slackware, from the back of a magazine.

Wasn't until I took Operating System Design in university that the whole linux/unix philosophy clicked.