So… Queer folks have created queerphobia? And Black and brown people, racism? And disabled people, ableism? And abuse victims, their own abuse? And so on…?
Because those (E: not to mention poverty, which is bad enough on its own, but massively exacerbated by the above) sure as fucking hell stand in the way of and deeply impact personal fucking fulfilment and happiness.
This shit is nothing more than the liberal way of telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
So... Queer folks have created queerphobia? And Black and brown people, racism? And disabled people, ableism? And abuse victims, their own abuse? And so on..?
Fuck this gaslighting victim blaming noise.
Also, tankies simply aren't communists.
Liberals not being able to tell the difference (E: or tankies in denial) doesn't make this anti communist.
I think you mean liberals.
I'm an anarchist.
Fuck tankies (E: who do exactly what you're accusing others of doing to them - licking Chinese boot instead of American doesn't make one any better than the other)
Meta have already tried, and in an almost unanimous move, users of the fediverse decided to defederate from them to not give them the opportunity to.
Of course they'll keep trying, but the whole point of decentralisation is that if or when that happens, those who don't want anything to do with it, just move on to a virtual space away from the corporation.
Sure, it sucks to always be "on the run", but at least here we can be, vs on a centralised network, where the corporations control 100% of it and we as users have no viable alternative.
To solve the core problem, FOR THE EU, THR ORGANISATION we have to curb the immense grip Big Tech has on our institutions and invest in independent digital alternatives.
They are categorically not interested in solving the core problem of society, and why and how we got to this point in the first place, but simply to maintain the status quo where they are the ones in control (which, while better than active fascism, has and always will be a placeholder for it, as long as they refuse to abolish capitalism).
Don't be fooled.
pEOpLe rEFuSINg To bE aROunD NAzIs aRe the ONeS whO crEAte ThE reAL hOSTILitY 🙄
Also, tankies are that not because they're communists (they're not, no matter how hard they insist) but because they support an oppressor on the same scale as the one they demand we unite with them to oppose, simply because said oppressor calls themselves communist (again, they're not), seemingly without understanding how that might make those of us opposed to all oppression mistrust them, and be unwilling to simply overlook their values and actions.
If you think queer, and especially trans, people are safe here on TERF island, or that we don't have our own fascism brewing, you haven't been paying attention.
None of those ever existed to protect you.
So my point stands - this isn't about "self fulfilment and happiness", nor is it in any way a motivational quote.