Gentoo! Of course!
Its nice and pretty nerdy. As web based nmarkdown editor in pretty good and the extra features rocks.
It has a few quirks I don't like though, on the self-hosted side:
- no multi-user support.
- auth is quirky and required a ticket to make it work at all
- must be deployed on subdomain, which make it impossible to host multiple instances for multiple users easily
But from functionality point of view, I love it
1 the cat bring live mouse and forget about him/her
2 the cat ask for food or general attention (at 3am)
3 the cat wakes the dogs
4 the dogs wake me
5 I shout and send them all to sleep again
6 the mouse pops up and wake me again
7 I give up
I did this for years.
Actual budget, grist, lubelogger (if you own a vehicle). Maybe fittrackee if you do sports.
And silverbullet, indeed radicale to get rid of google contacts and calendar.
And stirlingpdf is also great...
Hear you loud and clear!
Hi amico Ukrainian lemmer! Glad to see you here.
I hope it will be seen also from Lemmy.tomorrow! (Pun intended)
What is the point in installing OpenWRT on something that is not a router? I use it, i have it on a few different WiFi access points...
but what would be the reason to install on a regular pc, whether on VM or not?
I do! I like your instance very much (i like all instances actually... but some how yours has that little extra spicy, ykwim)
Feels fake somehow don't know why.
Anyway, respect everybody's boundaries and let people live. Maybe you have been a little bit too excited to all this thing and its you that is rushing your friends who don't want to hurt your feelings.
I have been to plenty of nudist places and we had our couple (never swing) sex there as well. But either BOTH are ok with it, or its just not nice at all to keep pushing, which is what you seems to be doing.
Maybe I am wrong, after all I am only a random dude on the 'net who doesn't know you except from what you write, and I haven't even checked your profile or past posts.