
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Meta should probably never be blamed for innovating when all they do is steal ideas from potential competitors and crudely duct tape them onto existing products. Instagram was once a useful, good app and now it’s 80% features from Snapchat and TikTok and you maybe see a friend’s post a week late.

[–] 7 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

I think it should be 16 or so. If you can wreck my car, you should be able to vote.

[–] 3 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Multiple electronics stores caught on fire. I doubt Mossad found a specific box that said “To: terrorists” on it and only rigged those pagers. They just don’t care about killing civilians.

America was founded by a tobacco company. The Virginia Company had the first successful settlement. And then some obnoxious cultists got kicked out of England joined them.

[–] 24 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Because the U.S. government gave them $6.6 billion to do it under the CHIPS Act:

With TSMC, it’s insurance against China invading Taiwan but Intel (and probably everyone else) got a load of subsidies too. After the chip shortage during the pandemic and Russia invading Ukraine, chip production became a national security issue.

It’s because every Sunday, he plays golf at whatever of his golf clubs is nearest to his last event. The secret service begged him not to do that.

When Obama played golf, he played on courses on military bases that are secure by design.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I usually just go camping and ignore it all. Nothing that happens before like October 15th is that important.

[–] 56 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (8 children)

I didn’t know who this person was two weeks ago and I still don’t want to know. We can just all ignore her forever if we want.

Edit: to be clear, I said I don’t want to know who she is. Do not tell me who this person is. I don’t care if she’s challenging Nancy Reagan for the throat GOAT title. Not interested.

We lived in a house where the previous owners had it exorcised and I’ve never slept better. I’d take living in a cursed/haunted house over a shitty roommate any day.

She has some sort of book coming out and is set to do dozens of interviews but I’m sure they’ll be extremely controlled publicity interviews where she just says cliches.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago (7 children)

I had my suspicions before but the moment I realized for certain Elon Musk couldn’t run a software company was when he judged people by lines of code written.

You make a good point about using it for documentation and learning. That’s a pretty good use case. I just wouldn’t want young developers to use it for code completion any more than I’d want college sophomores to use it for writing essays. Professors don’t have you write essays because they like reading essays. Sometimes, doing a task manually is the point of the assignment.


I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise software I don’t really use.

I also am more familiar with the Apple ecosystem than the Microsoft one so maybe I’m just oblivious to what’s out there. Does anyone out there dual boot or use a VM for a non-game, non-niche industry Windows exclusive program?


I’ve never worked with major enterprise or government systems where there’s aging mainframes — the type that get parodied for running COBOL. So, I’m completely ignorant, although fascinated. Are they power hogs? Are they wildly cheap to run? Are they even run as they were back in the day?


I found the least efficient way to get to the Linux CLI.


I ordered a Raspberry Pi 5 so I have a Pi 3 that’s about to be redundant. I haven’t used Pi-Hole so I was thinking it’d be good for that but I’m curious if there’s any downsides for users. Are sites blocked if you dont whitelist them? That sort of thing.

Basically, I’m not worried about me having issues but I’m worried about a maintenance headache if friends and family can’t access things.


Let the OPECs keep their gasoline.

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