
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

😂 I’m sorry you find a full paragraph so taxing, and my lack of reverence for the nationality of a children’s comic book character triggering.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

You seem to have some issues with comprehension and emotional regulation 😂 why do you keep putting words in people's mouths then getting angry and defensive about them? the show took the piss out of woke culture and people for 80 percent of it. That's what South park has done for a long time now like with the captain wokehero socjus principle. They also made (a few) comments in entire show about excessive complaints about wokeness and Mexican Spiderman being ok. One being the ending. If what you took from this its solely about Kathleen Kennedy and woke is actually just a great bunch of guys who really care about equality... I mean... lol

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Woke is really simple, I've never known why woke people think it poses such a dilemma when they ask that question. It's having extreme prejudices that favour non Caucasians particularly black supremacism, women and LGBT etc, advantaging people based on their sex and skin colour, disadvantaging demonising and generalising about white straight men while being hyper sensitive hysterical and irrational about every other demographic, all while, importantly, claiming to be an 'activist' for or at least passionate believer in equality and fighting racism.

It's being by definition a devout racist and sexist bigit while loudly proclaiming themselves to be against those things.

You're welcome

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

The episode literally rips the piss out of woke people and woke culture. It sounds kind of like you're the central type of person this episode was mocking. It also attacked people who complain all the time about stuff and flip out immediately including about woke things which the guy didn't say he does but which you did in the reaction to his comment