Your “nO i’M nOt! U aRe!” has the same vibe as “I know you are but what am I?” Which is to say…. Cringy.
And whether you will predictably disappear along with the rest of the idealist leftists that always do once an election is decided- will remain to be seen.
I’ll stick around because I’ll have no reason to hide. If we win, I’ll be here celebrating with everyone else. And if we lose, I’ll be here blaming people like you…
With everyone else.
No. Accusing anyone that disagrees with you (reference: gEnOciDe sUpPoRtEr)of something that’s demonstrably false is considered MAGAspeak.
News flash:
EVERYONE is against genocide bud. You don’t belong to a special grassroots movement of people that keyed in on something that everyone else can’t understand. So drop the smug pseudo-intellectual rhetoric.
No one is buying it. And the evidence lies in the ratios. You’re all being downvoted into dust on a platform that supposedly support your ideology.