
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

Exactly. We know how bad Trump is, but Biden in his disastrous “hug Netanyahu” policy went out of his way to not just ignore pro-Palestinian voices but actively insult them. He said “I have zero trust of Palestinians” and publicly supported the invasion of Al Shifa hospital despite the ridiculous and debunked claim that there was a 3 story underground Hamas base beneath it. He overrode his advisors and removed pro-Palestine language in all his October and November speeches. He met with Israeli victims but never met a single Palestinian one and even had his tour bus detour around towns in Michigan that had too many Arab-Americans. He claimed he was looking for peace but vetoed ceasefire attempts and bashed Palestinians in general. (He later privately told people he meant to bash Hamas and shouldn’t have use the words interchangeably, but never apologized).

It’s one thing to hold your nose and vote for Biden, but it’s quite another to vote for him when he’s so unapologetically anti-Palestinian. And his attempt to get Arab-Americans to vote for him when he helped kill their relatives is to ignore them and say “Trump would be worse.” That’s not a winning strategy and he wants to claim he both needs our votes to win but also that we aren’t politically relevant.

I hope Biden retires in shame and that Harris does better. She already had been meeting with Palestinian-American families when Biden refused to be seen with one.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

So you’re saying I should still vote for infanticide? I don’t want that kind of blood on my hands. That’s the issue in the Trolley Problem.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

Nobody is claiming that and you’re attacking a strawman.

The problem is we don’t want to reward politicians for their bad behavior “because Trump is worse” or get blood on our own hands by voting for someone who will continue the same deadly failed policies. Have you ever heard of the Trolley Problem? It’s not as straightforward as you think.

[–] 3 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (1 children)

Yes you can cherry pick examples of punctuated conflict incidents over thousands of years in any community but you’re still misrepresenting it; there was no state of war and the communities got along for thousands of years. They both saw themselves as the same community. Even your own links demonstrate this; you’re pointing to the equivalent of hate crimes and ignoring the fact that both Jews and Arabs were citizens and worked together. Like I said, go and ask historians because they would also tell you that you’re wrong.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Arabs have been attacking Jewish people for literally thousands of years in that region.

False and propaganda. The reality is that Arabs and Jews coexisted in Jerusalem for thousands of years, its only recently within the last century that there was any great animosity. The “Golden Age of Judaism” happened under Arab rule, as they were protected and flourished compared to being driven out of the rest of Europe during their dark ages. That’s where scholars like Maimonides came from.

I’m not going to waste time debunking every facet of your false narrative. If you genuinely want to learn about it ask any history professor; because you’re telling solely the Zionist narrative despite its historical inaccuracies.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (5 children)

And there you go, going back to the mindless false narrative.

Israel went to war against neighboring countries because those countries were upset by the active ethnic cleansing that Israel was engaging in. Ever heard of Deir Yassin massacre and Ben Gurion’s orders to the military to evict all Arabs from the cities? And yet Israel still takes their frustrations over the war out on Palestinians who didn’t take part in it.

Your clinging to false ahistorical narratives in no way helps your argument. Like I said, you’re hopeless since you can’t seem to learn from history and instead look for excuses.

This fight wasn’t inevitable, the Israeli extremists made it happen; killing Rabin and rejecting multiple peace deals for the last 30 years. Netanyahu and Likud wanted this fight.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (7 children)

No, and you’re making a helluva lot of assumptions.

Roughly 1/3 of the deaths on October 7 were of soldiers. Many of the rest were friendly fire. Israel claims that such a ratio of civilian deaths is “acceptable” in wartime. The Israeli government frequently claims that there are no civilians in Gaza, and many Palestinians say the same about Israelis. What’s galling is that Israelis have been pushing these excuses for violence for years and are outraged that they’re now being used against them.

If you can’t see the parallels then you’re hopeless. For the record, it’s unacceptable that either side is doing this.

[–] 25 points 1 day ago (9 children)

The October 7th attack was seen as a retaliation for a wave of settler attacks all summer on multiple Palestinian towns and the invasion of Al Aqsa. It doesn’t necessarily mean support for Hamas. Same way Israelis may support bombing Gaza but not necessarily supporting Netanyahu.

[–] 22 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] 28 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Prior to the ban, politicians said that they feared doctors would use the “she’s in danger wink wink” defense and made it very very hard to use that defense, and as a result it’s very very hard for women to get the care they need.

[–] 57 points 2 days ago

“We fight tyranny!” Republicans say while giving presidents immunity.

[–] 14 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Oh, fake news is okay with him then? I have a good story! It involves a couch.

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