joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

How many people defending zu in the comments is outrageous in my books!! Trust me i use to defend him as well when he joined us but lets be real,he hasn't developed anything else over the past 4 1/2 years with us! he use to have more drive but now hes just too flat footed vs a fast tempo nba now in days,plumlee in my eyes has alot more to offer with his speed and vertical especially his court vision when he is being perfer zu to come off the bench and dominate other teams weaker bench centers because i know he would take full advantage of it...and before i get attacked for MY Opinion just watch how ty lue kept bring plumlee in vs the buns on the playoffs last year and that'll paint a better picture how much plumlee gives more heart than zu 🥱