Charcoal is very light, Anthracite has some heft, and it's greasy to the touch.
Coal for heating at my grandma's place yeah. In the southern US, you can also see trains filled with the stuff going west along I-40.
Hey can we find a way to power the grid with horny teenagers maybe?
I would guess weapon/drug trafficking? Airport exec, ATF and the guy likes guns anyway..
I didn't think they still had the death penalty even.
Oh wow. I just had the weirdest reddit flashback. Where's the gold button.
What a sad downspiral for the guy. There's no way this ends well and we're all forced to attend the party.
Ah, if only he was a flight risk .. I'd set the bail low to encourage him .. But no
I still remember the bit where they had given a small piece of the blobby alien to that other one with the iron stomach. Gold.
Left: 4 dudes can ride comfortably to a job site 100 miles away in 100F weather
Totally why not both