These next four years are for you.
Could have fooled me. Choosing your own definition for words the the entire rest of the English speaking population already defined seems like a pretty sophomoric move to me. Calling someone a "tool" sealed the deal. Does that mean that you are ready to leave your inside-only-super-speical-club only meaning to "liberal" behind and start using the word like every else uses it?
All this is true. But it does nit change the definition of liberal, liberalism, or liberty. I feel like people here are confusing liberalism with neo-liberalis or capitalism.
"Liberal" means free or freely and is an antonym of authoritism. In the US, the word liberal also means left wing and democratic. Please tell me who claims to be liberal but is arguing for police beatings. Because they only claim.
That's just it. Your mil sitting in a bank is not their profit yet.
Way too many variables. Are you shooting 9mm, 45, .338 Lapua, .22lr? Are you shooting from a 9 in barrel, a 16 in, a three inch? Are you using a muffler? What brand and type? What is your range to the gun shot? Is the bullet supersonic or subsonic? Does the roofers hammer make a sound that falls inside the wide range of noises? There is no way to make an accurate profile for gun shot noise.
I'll just repeat myself, Why do you think NY taxi cabs are so popular there if everyone wants to take the subway or a bus?
I think there must be a large number of men who can't admit that they are bisexual or on the sexual spectrum. I see lots of commitment like this. "I am a heterosexual but i like dick" "I am Straight but..." If you like it enough for it to keep you hard, you are not completely straight. Of course that is fine, it is okay to say that gay4pay is gay or bi.
This has to be one of the craziest weapons ever made. An unguided, nuclear, air-to-air rocket.
I can't even understand what you are trying to say. You must be a supervisor.
I voted.