
joined 1 year ago

Artist: Jaume Rovira Llorca



Artist: Roberto Gatto



Artist: Marcel Deneuve



Artist: Laurel D Austin



Artist: liuying J.P



Photographer: Unknown

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Hey dude - I won't remove this post because I'm a little late to the party and it's received a good number of upvotes, but in the future, please be mindful of the sidebar rule: "Images should be wallpaper size (at least 1920x1080, or mobile equivalent)." 1200x829 is a fairly low quality image to use as a wallpaper. Thanks!

[–] 8 points 5 months ago

Hey mate, thanks for the feedback! I'm trying my best to keep this place populated with content but there's only so much I can do. There's no restrictions on posting to the community (except for a few postings rules/guidelines, see the sidebar), so if you have a wallpaper preference or would like to see different types of content, please feel free to contribute and share. Cheers!

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

I've never really thought of coordinating them tbh but it sounds and looks like a neat idea. I've always kept the lock and home screen the same but lately I've been changing the wallpaper to roughly match the season. So right now it's a snowy mountains for winter.

[–] 23 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

I gave up on online dating last year and I won't be back. If that means I'll end up dying alone, I'm honestly more comfortable with that idea than suffering though anymore of the bullshit that's Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/etc. It's become such a miserable experience for both sides (men and women).

As someone who had used online dating on and off for 10+ years, I can tell you one of the big problems - money and greed. I know it's always easy to just "blame capitalism", but I've seen first-hand the paradigm shift from an actual useful service (i.e. a way to meet people that you would otherwise not meet) to the blatant greed it's become. The dating apps are so obviously profiteering off people's loneliness it's fucking disgusting. Back before Match bought everyone up, these services used to actually be okay for what they were.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Nice one!

The artist appears to be Winslow Homer.

[–] 31 points 1 year ago (1 children)

They’re talking kind of three months in the summer and two to three weeks in the winter for skiing.

To drop 32 million on a house (which is mind bogglingly in and of itself) and only spend three months in it? Motherfuckers out there with way too much goddamn money. That's ridiculous.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's a really cool idea! I wonder if they could've made it a bit more ergonomic though? Dude at 1:40 is having a tough time with his leg stretched that far. Maybe if the track was closer to the road or if the lift's foot rest was wider?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Commuter Thunderdome - Two commuters enter, one commuter leaves (the car defeats the squishy human every time).

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I could be wrong about this (it's the internet, I'm sure someone will correct me), but I think public perception of bike lanes in this city got kind of fucked because one of the previous city councils spent a ton of money without really explaining it properly and they were seemingly installing them on streets where they weren't connected/doing much (this has got a lot better now).

So now the whole thing is just one of those "let's blame this" kind of topics. Kind of like "we'd have better blahblah if they didn't waste all the money on bike lanes". Nimbyism is also really strong in this city.

[–] 17 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Hey, that's my city! I'm sad to say that I'm not overly surprised. I don't know if it's an everywhere thing, but there's a vocal minority in Victoria that have a real stick up their ass about bike lanes.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Where did all the 90 minute movies go? I'm up for a longer movie if it can hold my attention (I have the same problem of dozing off) but 90 minutes was the sweet spot. Especially because you could make a late night (10pm or after) snap decision to watch a movie and still be in bed before midnight.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I knew someone who threw themselves off a bridge. Well, I knew their sibling. I was there when the call came through from the RCMP that they were missing. Then the call that the body was found. To say that it destroyed that family would be an understatement. I remember that my friend had to go down with their mother and identify what was left of the body. They were (understandably) never quite the same after that.

I don't know if I support expanding MAID to people with mental health issues or not. I have a feeling their sibling would've found a way to kill themselves one way or another. Maybe something more dignified would've been easier on the family? I don't know.

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