
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Almost all the world speaks english, and if not there are translator apps and whatnot in todays day and age, so i dont see it as necessary

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

In trying to get into the game, but haven’t been able to get a remote job to start, been applying like crazy in different fields and polished my resume a few times

Am in the process of selling all my belonging, cars, furniture, all except for 1 car and 1 bed that I’ll leave at my parents house just to have somewhere to crash at home.

Im expecting to have around $4k dedicated solely to DN life start, thinking of Thailand since I’ve found rents for $200 usd and transport/food is cheap.

But money runs out, what would you recommend to someone like me trying to play that DN game ?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I make $2k a month, spend $200 on rent $100 on food and like $500 on travel and leisure every month ( Euro and SEA) the rest goes to savings, been like this for a while. How much do you have in savings boii?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Who tf still uses airbnb? Lol and in mexico?? Everyone calls it “gringo bait”

That he why I’m saying, those numbers are for luxurious living, not accurate for a budgeting DN

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (5 children)

His whole list is very inaccurate, I’m thinking he lives a very lavish life and is counting luxury in the budgets

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

How did you calculate thailand? $2000+ seems super expensive unless you want a mansion.

Decent rent is as low as $200 a month, food is less than $10 a week, transport is dirt cheap too

Mexico is way off as well, people here live with a minimum wage of ~$400 a month, decently you can live with $800-$1.5k, luxurious would be anywhere $2k+ (in general mexico, tourist areas and some areas of big cities can be US level expensive, then again, there you need $4-5k+ to live in)