
joined 10 months ago

Hi all,

I'm a 24F entrepreneur with experience in marketing mainly in the US. After relocating to Asia for a while, I decided to start a digital marketing agency in Asia providing social media management, email marketing and other services to help grow online sales. Unfortunately, I came across a client that after we did all the work for a month, suddenly decided to not pay. Throughout the entire month, all the work was approved and reviewed by him, but by the time the invoice came, he decided that everything was not up to standard and he doesn't want to pay the full amount. Contracts were signed but there was no deposit as it's not the industry standard to pay upfront for these kind of services here.

I tried submitting it to the small claims court and all the due diligence. The process is very logical and straightforward but as entrepreneurs, how do you guys deal with the emotional side? The court hearing is in a few weeks time and I have been having so much anxiety over it. The money owed is not even worth the mental energy but it feels so unfair to just let it go like that when me and my team put so much hours of work. I just feel so helpless and scammed. Does anyone also goes through days of feeling anxious over things like this and shitty customers? How do you guys deal?

These type of emotions are so hard to deal with because I just keep thinking, why this had to happen? I know they say that as entrepreneurs the faster you fail and learn, the better. But wow, it's so painful.

What are other emotional hurdles that you had to go through during your journey and how did you cope?

Pls be kind in the comments as I know I will eventually suck it up but just wondering what other's people experiences have been.