That's totally fair, but I think that serious issues with Second Thought's philosophy should be understood when viewing any of his material.
I also wasn't talking about Democrats failing to get things done. That's a small part of it, but it's mostly about who they are, how they message, and who they listen to. If the Democrats achieved everything they set out to do, I seriously doubt the situation with income inequality would be any better. In fact, Democratic initiatives have often made it significantly worse.
I think we all benefited from Bernie's runs in 2016 and 2020 resulting in a marked change to Democratic party philosophy, but it's not nearly the change the Democrats needed to be able to effectively message in the world we live in.
The one silver lining is that Trump voters are about to face reality in a way would never otherwise have to deal with. I really wish that took the edge off, but it really doesn't. The impacts of this election will be horrific to everyone, even those who will profit in the short term from the graft and corruption.