I am trying to replace straight with Elpaca but I have some troubles with loading some of my local packages that are not from Melpa.
The use-case is to load laas a package for latex snippets. I use the following code
(use-package aas
:elpaca nil
:load-path (lambda () (expand-file-name "custom/" user-emacs-directory))
(use-package laas
:elpaca nil
:load-path (lambda () (expand-file-name "custom/" user-emacs-directory))
(aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode
;; set condition!
:cond #'texmathp ; expand only while in math
"On" "O(n)"
"O1" "O(1)"
;; bind to functions!
"Sum" (lambda () (interactive)
(yas-expand-snippet "\\sum_{$1}^{$2} $0"))
"Span" (lambda () (interactive)
(yas-expand-snippet "\\Span($1)$0"))
"lr(" (lambda () (interactive)
(yas-expand-snippet "\\left($0\\right)"))
"lr[" (lambda () (interactive)
(yas-expand-snippet "\\left[$0\\right]"))
"lr{" (lambda () (interactive)
(yas-expand-snippet "\\left\\{$0\\right\\}"))
Both files `aas.el` and `laas.el` are in my `(lambda () (expand-file-name "custom/" user-emacs-directory))` durectory and with straight these lines of code worked well but when I switched to Elpaca, laas was not loaded anymore. I tried to add :after tex, do not change anything. I tried to add a hook for latex mode and it also do not change, the laas package is not even loaded.
Can someone help me with this please?