I like money.
Maybe getting involved with local charitable organizations could help you find like-minded people - donating clothing or food or time to shelters for women leaving abusive situations.
Thank you for that. I'm not normally a podcast watcher and didn't know Jon had one. I'll check it out!
Our schools were closed Tuesday because some of the schools were voting locations.
Ohhh. Yeah. That makes more sense. 🤦
The speculation I saw yesterday was that after Ukraine falls, next are the baltics, Moldova, Poland, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Yeah. Worried about having to dip into savings for monthly expenses. I'm in Texas, so energy costs are always a concern. As you mentioned, concerned about delays and decreases in social security and Medicare in the future. I guess I'll leave money where it is, try to reduce spending, and try to increase liquid savings.
"I want a sandwich but i can't afford one. I guess I'll go watch porn and hire a prostitute."
I don't understand that.
I'm worried about my retirement savings. I hope to retire in 10 years and if i lose too much in the next 5, i don't have much time to build back up. Are you moving money?
I'm working on this, though i usually say - I'd rather get bitched at for doing it wrong than for not doing it. At my job it's to emphasize the stupidity of the task and the lack of training on a shitty system.
Grab a test prep study guide - GED, SAT, ... You can probably get a super cheap one at a used book store.